When she went to her first formal dance, we jokingly sang "Sunrise, Sunset" to our daughter, Ashley, to mark how quickly she had grown from a curley headed carrot-top to a beautiful and gifted young woman (gasp!). This month she celebrates her 25th birthday, and... her 4 month wedding anniversary! Ashley, the 'middle child'... was the one who grafted herself onto my leg when I tried to get her into the Kindergarten room (for a whole year), and yet, now, she's the first of our 3 daughters to jump ship and move four hours away. But that's OK, because one season following another, and all that...Here are the 3 'sisters' at her wedding rehearsal dinner:
Left to right: Leah, Ashley, Samantha

And to prove they follow the 2nd most important rule I've taught them , "Never take yourself too seriously"....
When did they get to be beauties, when did they grow to be so tall.... wasn't it yesterday when they were small?
I don't remember getting older, when did they?
1 comment:
The first most important rule being???
Yay for outwards.
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