Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fowl Play

OK, this will be the last one. I promise. Probably.

Big story on the news last night... Jogger Attacked by Wild Turkey.

It got my attention.

In a city park, no less. Hmmm. What's going on with all of these turkeys all of a sudden? Aliens??

Seems an unwitting girl was just jogging along a trail in Highland Park, and a big turkey started attacking her. She fought back with her hat (of course!), and he eventually stopped chasing her and left her alone. The wildlife experts at the zoo thought perhaps a male turkey was out cruising for a mate.

Next thing ya know, we'll be seeing wild turkeys at weddings, trying to catch the bride's garter, or at dance clubs... doing the Turkey Trot.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Turkey Talk

This turkey thing is really getting to me. I was grilling some dinner the other evening... bratwurst for Bruce, 98% fat-free hot dogs for me. The turkeys were there in the back yard as I was grilling. We've identified two separate flocks... they take turns feeding and waddling in the yard.

So, the first troop trouped by as I tended to the barbecuing victuals. They'd periodically glanced my way, gobble a little, eat some bugs and then went back into the woods.

Soon thereafter, the second family emerged, and they came a little closer, gobbled a little, and ate some bugs. One of the big ones, a mama I suppose, waddled over to the deck (I think she's the one who was at the door the other night). She looked up at me with those beady little eyes and clucked her little heart out, and then they all trekked back into the woods.

We sat down to dinner finally, and Bruce looked at me quizzically as I ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. My 98% fat-free hot dogs were, of course... turkey dogs. I just couldn't eat them.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not the Raven

Once upon a morning dreary, at my desk, weak and weary,
Pondering many a quaint website, email and computer chore ,

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door
Only this, and nothing more.'

Or not. I got up from my desk to take a peek... what was rapping, rapping at my chamber door?

Nothing there, must have been a tree limb or something.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
`Surely,' said I, `surely that is something at my window lattice;
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;
'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

Open here I flung the blinds, when, with many a flirt and flutter,

Out there stepped a stately... um, turkey... of the saintly days of yore.

Not the least obeisance made she; not a minute stopped or stayed she;

But, with mien of lord or lady, perched outside my chamber door -

Perched and gobbled just outside my chamber door
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

Let's call her Lenore. Lenore the turkey. And Lenore has lots of babies! And she's got a turkey club. Not the kind with bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayo... but other mama turkeys with more babies. And they all have taken up residence in our yard.

Last year, we would occasionally see a turkey troupe cutting across our yard. We thought they were cute. But this year, what happened??? There's three times as many of them, and they are always there!!! Sometimes, I hear this strange clamour, and realize after a few moments that it's clucking. They no longer just trek across the yard on the way to grandma's house, they've established residency. Turkey feathers litter the back yard.

Yesterday, one was touring our back deck, and startled me at our dining room door as we ate dinner. This morning, Lenore and her turkeylettes were tap-tap-tapping at my window. When I looked at them through the blinds, they just stared back at me. I kind of felt like I was in the zoo, and they came to look at me.

I confess that I'll never look upon Thanksgiving Dinner the same way again. The deer don't even seem to hang around as much, now that the turkeys have taken roost. Will they ever move on, will they ever find another comfy patch of woods to call home??

Quoth the turkey... nevermore.

Dana and Tom

We had the lovely opportunity to share the joy of our niece's wedding this past weekend. Dana and Tom were married Saturday afternoon, with a traditional and symbolic ceremony at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Oakland. Dana was a beautiful and lovely bride; Tom was a handsome and charming groom. And, the whole wedding party was picture perfect!

The wedding reception was at the Carnegie Museum Music Hall, which was conveniently right across the street. And there was lots of delicious food, fun, and Greek dancing!!

Dana and her brothers, Chris and Mark, grew up as our neighbors as well as our family, so it was special to share in the delight of the weekend. The new extended family is wonderful and we were glad to meet them and spend some time with them!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Gotta Crow

I've been way behind in blog posting lately. More and more things have been clamoring for my time and attention this summer. No lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer around here!

So, I'm almost 2 weeks late for this particular post, but better late than never. Over the 4th of July weekend, I traveled to Michigan to help our youngest move her stuff into her new apartment. Happily, that Sunday was also the speaking debut of our oldest daughter at Church of the King. Leah has had opportunities to speak at functions both in college and at her last position at Northway Christian Community Church, but this was the first time she was the primary speaker in a Sunday service. Brad put her 'in the pulpit', and she didn't disappoint.

In fact, she delivered a poignant yet powerful message about dealing with fear (What if we were freed from fear?). All those years I 'preached' to her, and that Sunday, she taught me. And she touched me, and she inspired me. She spoke from her heart and from her own battle with fear and her words still echo in my head as I think about the encouragement she breathed. I even took notes.

You can listen to the message as a podcast on iTunes , or access it directly from the Church of the King website.

AND, she's got another article printed in the Threads eNewsletter this month, entitled When I Grow Up. Last month's edition had her article Quarterlife Questions. Threads is the young adult online connection of Lifeway.

I gotta crow. I feel a little like Peter Pan.