About 90 minutes east of here, along the PA Turnpike just outside of
Somerset, is a sight that always fascinates me every time I drive through the area. Huge, modern windmills, which do serve a purpose (generating electricty), majestically line the mountain ridge. The six Somerset windmills along with 10 companion wind mills in Mill Run, PA comprised the largest source of wind-generated power in the US when they went online in the fall of 2001. Generating energy from windmills can be adapted to both rural and urban areas, and can impact overall availability of electricity.

A friend of ours, Jackson Ndizeye, is stepping out, using his talent, ingenuity and physical resources to make an impact in his home nation of Rwanda. We met Jackson several years ago when he was a student at La Roche College. He is currently on the cusp of implementing a great plan to exploit wind energy in the nation of Rwanda and provide electricity to both rural and urban areas for intellectual and economic growth and improved health services. Jackson started the non-profit company, Rwindalectric Inc., for that purpose and is gaining support and attention worldwide. He and his efforts were recently featured in an article in BBJ, a Hungarian based business journal. Read about it here: http://www.bbj.hu/news/news_36012.html.
We are very proud of our friend, Jackson!
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