Saturday, May 19, 2007

American Beauties

The roses have 'blossomed', and their lovely fragrance attests to their presence even before you notice them in the room. I love roses. These 'beauties' were from my daughter, Leah, given to me on Mother's Day and they are still picture-perfect almost a week later.

One of the most special things of my life has been watching our daughters 'blossom'. I don't take any of it for granted, and know that God has a great and special adventure plannned for each of them. Sometimes, it's actually breath-taking to witness them stepping out into unknown territory, and watch them draw from deep within and 'open up' just like a lovely rose.

Samantha leaves tomorrow to go to Colorado for two weeks, and then to parts yet unknown for the rest of the summer, as a Program Coordinator for Group Workcamps Foundation. She's stepping way out of her comfort zone, and trusting in His plan for her personal growth and her personal ministry. I'll miss her lots... but I'm so very, very proud of her and her willingness to expand her horizons.

We were talking at breakfast yesterday about that ambiguous area between a word or promise from God, and its fulfillment. That time between the 'exodus' from Egypt and the planting of our feet in the Promised Land is a precarious place because sometimes the notion of going back to the 'comfortable' fools us into fretting, or settling, and missing the exhilaration of the expedition.

It likely wasn't pleasant camping in the desert, especially without an idea of how long it would last. Why stay here?... let's get going! And why do we have to keep all our livestock for the daily sacrifices... why can't we barbecue some steaks??? It likely wasn't a cruise ship mentality on the ark, either, ...with smelly animals, the same companions day in/day out, constantly bobbing up and down, and yearning to put down roots somewhere on dry land. Playing "I See Something... brown" had to get old! And yet, those scenes were the backdrops of His will, and the fulfillment of His promise was worth the wait!

When God says, "Go", but doesn't throw in a lot of detail, I think He's boasting in us and enjoys the adventure right along with us. There's always something good to focus on and wisdom to glean with a little effort on our part. I think it makes Him smile, to watch his kids 'blossom' into whom and what He's fashioned them/us to be.